2014 Fire Fund Drive Now Underway
By Newsdesk
April 11, 2014

In 2013, the members of the Radnor Fire Company answered 780 fire and rescue calls. This past February, our volunteers and career staff responded to a record 175 fire calls and 230 EMS incidents. This included over 75 responses in a 24 hour period during Winter Storm Nika.

In order to continue a high level of service and training certification, we rely on your financial support to maintain operations and preserve a balanced budget.

Your tax-deductible donation will help with the purchase of emergency equipment, training, and the day-to-day operating expenses which continue to rise.

What you can do for the Radnor Fire Company. We have more than 60 members who volunteer their time to serve the residents of this community. We are asking that you help our community continue to receive these services by making a tax-deductible donation to the Radnor Fire Company. Your continued support is necessary to provide the professional services that you’ve grown to expect from your first responders.

We continue to commit ourselves to save lives and property in emergency situations that would overwhelm most people. Our volunteers continue to sacrifice time away from their family and friends to serve the community they care deeply about.

Our volunteers are your neighbors. They are business people, police officers, college students, teachers, husbands, wives, sons and daughters. They are dedicated to their community and respond at all hours of the day.

There is no donation too small and we appreciate your support in advance.


Michael R. Maguire, Chief


>> Less than one-third of households we serve contribute donations.

>> Our Firefighters are required to train in CPR, Haz-Mat, and Vehicle Rescue on an annual basis.

>> It costs over $4,500 to outfit one firefighter in full protective gear.

>> Our Firefighters obtain 200 hours of entry level firefighting training as a new member.

>> Our volunteers provide annual fire safety education to schools, businesses, and local community organizations throughout the year.